- Strategy - idea's person, thoughtstarter
- Tactics - action person, playmaker
- Logistics - process person, taskmaster
- Diplomacy - people person, peacekeeper
Questioning and answering upto 5 times - Why is that important ? can help to reach the root cause of a problem.
- Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution.
- The vast majority of ideas considered revolutionary are actually much more evolutionary than you might think.
- Innovative thinking: What's blocking perfection ? instead of what can we improve ?
- Winning is not always the barometer of geting better.
- If you want big leaps, take small steps.
- Imperfection drives all innovations.
- what separates inventors from innovators is the ability ot hink through all the conditions and connections required to allow a solution to fit seamlessly into hte everyday beat of those who will use it.
- Systems thinking is the ability to provide solutions within the current contect or providing a new one along with the solution.
- Systems thinking is looking into the cause - effect. having a good foresight as well as insight.
- Every solution has 3 governing dimensions:-
solid structure - policies, procedures, physical environment
strong systems - input, output, processes, patterns
social significance - purposes, principles, people
- Learning disabilities hinder 360 deg innovation. Make learning the job. Integrate it into the daily work as the one true way to innovate. Learnership is the foremost practice.
- 4 phase cycle of learning experience - Questioning, solving, experimenting, reflecting.
- Toyota's standard for problem-solving and continuous improvement - PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)
IDEA loops (Investigate, Design, Execute, Adjust)
- Hansei (Japanese word for reflection) - introspection, performed regularly irrespective of performance.
AAR ( After Action Review) - i. what was supposed to happen ? ii. What actually happened ? iii. Why were there differences ?
-I in IDEA: gather the facts, get into the customer's mind
Genichi Genbutsu - Go and see - go to the source to find the facts to make correct decisions, build consensus and achieve goals at the best speed
3 ways to fully grasp the situtation:-
1. Observe - watch the customer, 2. infiltrate - become the customer, 3. collaborate - involve the customer
- Don't try to innovate for the future. - Peter Drucker
- Great innovation needs a father; great timing
- Design dangers :- Creating a future need, Confusing need with lead time
- Act today for tomorrow.
- Toyota's Design Principles:- 1. Balance Today & tomorrow, 2. keep it real and resonant 3. blend creativity and competition
- innovation - design for today - today's problems, tomorrow's solution.
- Getting the big picture requires a big picture.
- Five dimensions of downside risk that people perceive every time they engage in a purchase experience :- economic, functional, social, physical, psychological
- intangible figures into the calculation of the monthly consumer Price Index (CPI). Hedonics is a way of taking into account product improvements when tracking price movements.
- Innovation demands exploiting limits, not ignoring them. Exploiting limitations drives breakthrough thinking.Stretch goals are a prime tool for innovation.
- A well stretch goal is aligned, audacious, articulate and arduous.
- We generally don't know what our potential is until we put our capacity on trial.
- Purpose of business it create a customer, so, its two functions are marketing and innovation. - Peter Drucker
- Breakthrough thinking comes from breaking the mental barriers created by obvious solutions.
- Great innovation is born of the ability to harmonize opposing tensions
- Elegant solutions are discovered by elegant framing
- To become a great problem framer, focus on asking the right question, not seeking the right answer.
- Don't just blink, think ! always do the math.
- Innovation runs counter to convention and intuition.
- Kaizen - Japanese word for continuous improvement, its about idea submission, not acceptance.
- 3 steps of Kaizen: Create a standard, follow it and find a better way.
- Standard is simply an established best-known method or practice followed until a better way is discovered, tested or accepted. It prevents mistakes from being made twice.
- We can rob creative power from people by attaching a financial award to ideas.
- Kaizen aims to draw the natural curiosity and creativity within people and guide it towards adding value for customers.
- Kaizen does not attempt to light a fire under people. It lights the fire within them.
- Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Leonardo da Vinci
- Complexity destroys value which is what matters most to the customer. Think lean.
- Lean - doing more of what matters by eliminating what doesn't.
- Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Lean requires a precise understanding of the value: the who, when, where, what, why and how of the customer's need. Requires Innovative thinking, not cost cutting.
- In lean, customers pull compelling value from you effortlessly.
- 3 elements of complexity: inconsistency, overlad and waste
- The beginning is the chiefest part of any work. - Plato
- Innovation must happen at every level of the company.
- Abilene Paradox: Team follows a single person's thoughts to stay in team.
- Key to avoiding Abilene is understanding that team-based innovation is not about team-building.
- Leaders make meaning. 3 basic qualities:- Integrity, Vision & guidance